FREE Email Course: Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

This 6-day email course will help you:

  • Understand what limiting beliefs are and where they come from
  • Identify the limiting beliefs that are holding you back
  • Learn strategies to work through challenging limiting beliefs
  • Take action to make your dreams a reality

Hi! I'm Jess from The Fioneers!

I've spent the last six years learning and implementing strategies to design my best life (and help others do the same).

  • I took a 6-month career break to work through severe anxiety.
  • When I went back to work, I worked part-time for two years
  • I started my own business as a side hustle and eventually took it "full-time."
  • We built out a campervan and now travel for months each year.
  • And... recently bought a houses in the mountains of northern New Hampshire to make "home a destination of choice."

You might think, "Wow! Jess must really be fearless."

This couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, I suffer from severe anxiety, which I've taken steps to manage through medication, therapy, and building concrete skills to help me manage my feelings of fear and anxiety.

One of the important skills that's helped me is identifying and working through limiting beliefs.

Have you ever heard that the best math teachers weren't naturally good at math?

Because I've dealt with more than my fair share of fear and anxiety, I am well-positioned to teach you everything I've learned.

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